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Darlene Love and Howard Baumann announce a centennial edition of their father’s book, Kensington-Talmadge 1910-1985, available for the 100th Anniversary of the Kensington community.   

Copies are $40 and can be purchased at: 

  • The Kensington-Normal Heights Library;
  • The Kensington Community Church;
  • Rex Downing Realtors,  4134 Adams Avenue;
  • Ken Video, 4067 Adams Avenue;
  • The Tristany Real Estate Group, 3603 B Fifth Avenue;
  • Ponces Restaurant,  4050 Adams Avenue;
  • Lady Bug Calligraphy, 4070 Adams Avenue;
  • Kensington Café, 4141 Adams Avenue.

Author Thomas Baumann, who came to the area in 1941, was the first permanent dentist in the Kensington neighborhood of San Diego. Dr. Baumann, well known civic supporter, wrote the original book in 1984 for the 75th Diamond Jubilee of Kensington.  He published 500 copies and designated the profits to go Kensington community projects, in particular, the upkeep of the Kensington sign, which he helped purchase in 1952. Tom Baumann, who died in 1994, stated “This book is dedicated to all those who have ever considered Kensington-Talmadge their home, and to all those who have a special place in their hearts for Kensington-Talmadge.”   

2010 will see a full year of celebrations commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the community of Kensington. In honor of the occasion, the Baumann Family decided to reprint the original version of the book. Ron May of Legacy 106, Inc., a renowned registered professional archeologist, has written a new forward to bring us up to the present.  The book tells the story of the founding of Kensington, and the streetcars and buses that brought an eager populace to the first planned community in the United States.  It recounts the building of the church, library, historical houses and unique architectural styles throughout the community.  Stories are told of famous residents, events, and places like the Young’s caves.   Said Howard Baumann, “My Dad loved this community and he wanted to preserve its history for future generations.  His book documents Kensington as he knew it.”

Dr. Baumann’s family has supported and coordinated this limited reprinting. In keeping with their father’s wishes, all profits will go to Kensington community projects.  Don’t let the opportunity to own this one-of-a-kind publication pass you by.

Contact Darlene Bauman Love at 619 281-1227, or lovewine@cox.net for further information.   Orders can be placed on line at  www.ken100th.com.